Domestic reducer is able to replace foreign reducer
Many customers are cautious to choose what kind of speed reducer, requirements for the quality and precision of the speed reducer is very high, so they like foreign reducer selection, but foreign reducer often the price is relatively high, which makes customers choose domestic reducer to replace the speed reducer, then domestic reducer can replace the imported reducer?

1. Reducer size suitability: reducer first consideration of alternative, is the appropriate size and volume, some imported reducer size and the size is very small, domestically produced due to the quality and the torque can not meet the size bigger, may be unable to meet the application implementation.
2. Reducer torque is in line with: reducer torque for is the most important, can replace so in the choice of the slowdown in China, must be in accordance with the manufacturer instructions for good reducer torque output, to achieve the torque is imported reducer and can substitute the premise.
3. Reducer quality whether meet: reducer process considerations are also important, imported reducer usually work better on quality and technology, if domestic reducer can achieve imported deceleration machine to work on, you can replace the imported reducer.